The forum hosted its first sector wide event in Leeds, starting a national conversation on the impact of Race inequality on people’s lives, and the role of leadership in making progress against this agenda. We continued this conversation in Brighton in 2019, and among other topics discussed the role of staff networks in providing colleagues with the safe space and support that they needed, as well inequities in mental health.
Our overarching headlines for this year’s event were leadership, resilience, and competency in care delivery for our diverse communities.
We hope you found it useful, inspiring and that it helps you identify good practice that you can take back into your organisation.
10:00 - 10:10
Housekeeping & Welcome
Tasnim Ali, Chair of National Ambulance BME Forum & Business Manager, Yorkshire Ambulance Service
10:10 - 10:20
Setting the scene
Will Hancock, Chief Executive Officer, South Central Ambulance Service NHS Foundation Trust
10:20 - 11:00
Inclusive leadership & moving the dial
Steve Russell, Chief Executive Officer, Harrogate and District NHS Foundation Trust
11:20 - 12:10
Mind The Gap
- Dr Alison Walker, Executive Medical Director, West Midlands Ambulance Service
- Malone Mukwende, Co-Author Mind the Gap and Medical Student, St Georges University of London
- Margot Turner, Co-Author Mind the Gap, Senior Lecturer in Diversity and Medical Education, St Georges University of London
- Claire Hunter, Head of Learning, Development and Quality, NHS Pathways
- Agatha Nortley-Meshe, Assistant Medical Director, London Ambulance Service
12:10 - 12:55
Understanding cultural humility and its role in leadership education and clinical care
Tom Davidson, Director Centre of Excellence in Paramedic Practice, Institute of Health, University of Cumbria
13:40 - 14:40
Workshop Sessions
Cultural Competency in Midwifery Care
- Benash Nazmeen, Specialist Cultural Liaison Midwife
- Amanda Mansfield, Consultant Midwife, London Ambulance
Staying safe in the Race – creating safe spaces for conversations about race
- Joanna Traynor, Coach, Psychotherapist & co-founder, Senseia
Antiracism and the Role of Allies
- Jayne Phoenix, Deputy Chair National Ambulance BME Forum & Bank Associate Director, South East Coast Ambulance Service NHS Trust
- Mark Johns, Engagement Diversity and Inclusion Manager, North East Ambulance Service
15:00 - 15:40
In conversation with Professor Dame Elizabeth Anionwu
- Professor Dame Elizabeth Nneka Anionwu, Nurse, lecturer, and Emeritus Professor of Nursing at University of West London. Author Dreams from my Mother, Winner Pride of Britain awards, 2019
- Jayne Phoenix, Deputy Chair National Ambulance BME Forum & Bank Associate Director, South East Coast Ambulance Service NHS Trust
15:40 - 16:00
Final thoughts & next steps
Tasnim Ali, Chair of National Ambulance BME Forum & Business Manager, Yorkshire Ambulance Service