Recruitment and Selection Toolkit
Have a look at this comprehensive resource pack which guides you through good practice when it comes to recruiting and selecting people from a range of backgrounds and some of our 'harder to reach' communities.
The National Ambulance BME Forum is keen to participate in events that raise awareness of BME communities, their culture and heritage each year. An important part of this is the engagement events at a local level throughout the year, and whist we have had a small presence at events in the past we are keen to increase this going forward. The network is also keen to raise awareness of the lived experiences of our BME communities and hope that in sharing our resources and taking part in events both at a local and national level we can increase our visibility in our communities.
Have a look at this comprehensive resource pack which guides you through good practice when it comes to recruiting and selecting people from a range of backgrounds and some of our 'harder to reach' communities.